Sunday, December 9, 2007


I think I may have had a hand in killing the oven on Thanksgiving.

Apparently tin foil is not a friend of the heating element in the oven. Especially when the element is working. My job on turkey day was to check on the bird and ensure that it was heating up to the appropriate temperature. I think that it's very possible that during one of the temperature checks I may have lifted the tin foil an eensy bit too high. Long story short: yes, we have no oven (that works). This is frustrating to me because one of the few domestic things I enjoy doing is baking. It's sorta hard to bake without an oven.

In other news, I hope this letter I'm planning on sending out sometime next week doesn't screw me over. I was taught that almost everything is negotiable. Hopefully this is one of them and by my asking to negotiate it won't leave a proverbial sour taste in anyones proverbial mouth.