Monday, January 14, 2008

First try!


You Are Hockey

Tough, athletic, and not afraid of a fight.

You don't mind putting your body on the line!

I want:

An oven that works.

My hands to stop feeling as if they are stuck in an ice block.

My own place.


I have:

Food in my belly, never worrying where it will come from.

Hands to feel as if they are in ice blocks.

A safe, warm roof over my head.

I am thankful, maybe not enough, but I am.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

From the movie The Mexican:

Samantha: I have to ask you a question. It's a good one so think about it. If two people love each other, but they just can't seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?

Jerry: Never.

Friday, January 4, 2008


I want my own chunk of it.

The (ex)boyfriend offered me the use of the apartment tonight since he wouldn't be in it. You better believe I took him up on it. I cooked dinner (mamma's green bean casserole), watched what I wanted on tv, and was able to surf the net from the comfort of the couch. Hopefully soon I will be in my own space that will cost me more than I probably want it to.

Thanks to the boy for letting me have a night to myself.

And I've discovered that Seagrams 7 is some damn tasty stuff.