Friday, May 30, 2008

I want to say...

I quit. I give up. I don't care anymore.

But I can't.

This may not be the right game for me but I'm too stubborn to throw in the damn towel. They say that good things come to those that wait. I also know that you have to work for what you want. Sometimes I wonder if you can work or talk yourself right out of the opportunity. So, where is the middle ground? Is there a middle ground? There has to be. Right?

Maybe I'll do like Brynes-ie has done and have myself a seat on the DL for awhile.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Eustachian Wonders

I may have some inner-ear issues but that's no excuse for how insanely sensitive the right half of my head is feeling lately.
You should not be able to feel the tube in your ear or how it connects down towards your throat. There's other related issues but I'll leave it at that. Guess I'll be going to the great warehouse club down the street and filling my scrip tomorrow. Great.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I just got burnt by a guy on the dating scene.

Tell me why I want to submit myself to this hellacious interview-like scene again. I'm not opposed to dating again but I'm not sure I'm gung-ho about it. Here I am, catless and feeling friendless in the apartment on a long holiday weekend. I know I have friends, but the people who invite me out are few and far between here in the desert. I've been trying to get ahold of some people to go out with so I'm not feeling that way. It's a bit hard when one person brings their fiance along and another objects to a group outing and another lives 50 miles away. Or everyone else is a guy I work with in some way; customer or co-worker. I do not want to hook-up. I do not want a boyfriend/husband. I just want to get the hell out of my apartment and do so in the company of others.

As much as I try to be anti-social, I'm really not. Even in high school and college, I've had a few close friends to turn to in good times, bad times and times that just are. Now that I'm fully arrived in grownuphood, it's a bit lonely here at Casa de Pooh.

I "talk" with people back home more than I do with people who exist here in the desert. Sometimes I'd love to take Wood's advice and Just Go. F it, just get my shite together and go. But with me, the devil's in the details. I'm too much my mothers daughter. And my fathers. Where would I work? Would it be a good job? Is the grass really greener, would I really be happier? You'll never know if you don't go. I've got another 10 months before this lease is up, we'll see as that time gets closer.

I think I'll suck it up and drop the $300 bucks to get a cat into the apartment.

Sweet, I have a mission for tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Random associations

  1. Concentration ::
  2. ugh.
  3. Relocated ::
  4. tried it
  5. Clot ::
  6. blood
  7. Joints ::
  8. .....
  9. Satellite ::
  10. good song
  11. Money back ::
  12. yay
  13. Kittens ::
  14. soft
  15. Shady ::
  16. boys
  17. Drain ::
  18. ears
  19. Stroke ::
  20. sad

Hmm. I think I have some issues to deal with.

Monday, May 5, 2008


"Find a new fish."

Be it a true statement or not, it was the best quote of the day.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Damn it.
Damn it.
Damn it.

That it is all.