Sunday, April 22, 2007

In case you were wondering...

The Calgary Flames have a player named Phaneuf; The Boyfriend and I have decided that the next animal that comes our way will be named Phaneuf. Phaneuf and Munch. How great is that?

I made another loaf of bread today. I like baking, if you haven't noticed. The pizza stone seems to work well. The loaf of no-knead reminds me of the bread that my mamma would make. I'm hoping the other loaf that I made today will be similar in taste and texture. I'm going to have to figure out how to shape the bread rather than letting it do it's second-rise-thing in the bowl. The dough spreads out on the stone, kinda like Sweet Pea did after laying in the same spot for longer than five minutes. I want the dough to rise more than spread.

I have a hockey game tomorrow night at 2100. Hurrah. I'll be missing 24 and game seven of the Stars/Canucks series. We definitly need to get the Tivo hooked back up.

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