Monday, November 24, 2008

Sit, Ubu, sit.

I've put in my 10 plus hours at work. I went to the gym and worked out. Here I am, at home. Sitting in the relative silence of the apartment. I can hear someone's A/C unit through the open door. Oddie is perched above me on the couch, breathing heavy like only the content do. The 'fridge is doing it's thing, humming along nicely. I'm rather glad I have a 'fridge since windows to keep the milk cold are far and few between here in the desert.

I don't usually do well alone with my thoughts. I get worked up and ancy as they race through my brain. On occasion, I try to get my musings and worries onto paper or screen, to see where they're trying to go, if anywhere. I usually get stuck. Or the thoughts do.

I've learned that not all things that are thought, need a solution. Or a problem. Sometimes they just need to be observed and then let go.

Like fishing?

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