- Gossipping :: girls
- Misplaced :: items
- Spaceship :: sweet
- Ignore :: me
- Bodily :: functions
- Tweezers :: silver
- Goodnight :: moon
- Curls :: CJB (she had the prettiest ringlet curls when she was 2 or 3)
- Faucet :: drip
- Right? :: left? Sideways!!
I like the idea of lists. It's a good way to clean out your head; get the things that have been rattling around out on to paper where it will sit in peace. It's nice to cross items off of a list. It's disappointing to see things not get crossed off (or watch the thing grow, seemingly out of control) but it's a visual reminder that I tend to need at times. I've noticed that I work with piles, it annoys me but apparently I operate ok with them. I have a nifty little stack o' stuff on my desk at work right now. I go through it about once a month and try to figure out what gets filed, round filed, or left there 'cause I'm not sure where it should go.
I found this particular list through her site. I've been going to the spinning classes at my gym for more months than I thought I would. Biscuit teaches this form of torture in her neck of the woods. I enjoy hearing about the class from a teacher's perspective. Biscuit is a mini-hero of mine because she rides a real bike as well as a 'spinning' bike. I'm too chicken to go out on a real road. I have this thing about my perceived lack of balance. Asphalt and physics can make for a neat combination of pain and road-rash. Between Biscuit, my friend Hover and my enjoyment of spinning; I'm actually thinking about seeing what it takes to get certified to teach spinning. I have no idea if I will actually do this, it could sit in my head like my ideas of moving back to the great northwet or joining the USNR or getting another tattoo.
Maybe I should make a list of what to do first.
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