Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More than a tweet but less than a post

Neko Case singing about home! If you don't know about the pretty parts of town this song could make you think about the gritty parts of a bigger city. 

I started at my 'new' store today. I neglected to tell most of my customers that I was moving stores. Yeah, I know, shame on me. They found me anyway. Their main concern? Can they still order from me since I've been promoted/moved? "Of course you can." is my reply. My manager says that I have a following. A following in wholesale? Okay. Customers who are used to seeing me at my old store, in addition to asking me if I'm lost, are asking if this is a permanent relocation. I've been replying with something along the lines of 'not too much is permanent around here'. The only constant in this company is change. 

A guy friend of mine told me that I have to stop working out, I'm looking good. I laughed and I thanked him. It's a nice compliment to hear. 

For some reason, I've really been digging Supertramp as of late. I've been wishing for a set of really great speakers to blast Bloody Well Right on a Saturday morning while I sit on my porch and drink my coffee. Is it the harmonica, the horns? I don't know, but I like it. 

I've noticed that I've been laughing more in the last year. It's a nice feeling to be happy. I have my little-black-rain cloud days but overall, I'm in a good place. 

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